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Hau Giang’s cylindrical sticky rice cake stuffed with banana: A culinary delight for Tet festival

Updated: 15:55, 08/01/2024
These days, Residents in the rural area of the southern province of Hau Giang are busy making traditional cakes, known locally as ‘banh tet’ (cylindrical sticky rice cake), in preparation for the Tet (Lunar New Year) festival.

Like ‘banh chung’ (square glutinous rice cake), ‘banh tet’ has become a vital ceremonial dish and a cultural symbol of people in the Southern region of Vietnam whenever Tet comes.


Hau Giang’s cylindrical sticky rice cake stuffed with banana: A culinary delight for Tet festival.

The most delicious and largest cakes are always present on the offering trays to their ancestors on New Year's Eve and are used to treat guests during the three days of Tet.

The cake is made from whole-grain white glutinous rice, and the filling is made from mung beans and lard or ripe bananas. The traditional ‘banh tet’ is wrapped in fresh banana leaves and tied tightly with string.

After cooking, the cake is cut into slices, revealing the delicate white glutinous rice surrounding the golden filling.

The dish offers a delightful combination of flavours. The glutinous rice and the filling blend harmoniously, creating a subtle sweetness. When cooked to perfection, ‘banh tet’ has a soft and slightly sticky texture that is incredibly satisfying.

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Source: VNS


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