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Tourism >> Discovery
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Ninh Binh ranks fourth in world’s top 10 less-visited wonders

Updated: 19:22, 13/04/2024

The UK’s Daily Mail has named the northern province of Ninh Binh on the list of the top 10 less-visited wonders of the world.

“With its towering run of jagged karst pinnacles, Ninh Binh is as dramatic a sight as the better-known Ha Long Bay, but doesn’t come with hordes of trippers,” the media outlet stated.

Trang An complex attracts tourists with majestic natural beauty and many world records.

Daily Mail noted: “Two hours south of Hanoi and bordered by rivers, farms and temples, it’s best discovered by bike or by gliding downstream on a sampan.”

It also suggested tourists visit Ninh Binh in October and November when water levels are high and the rice fields are ready for harvest.

Ninh Binh has an area of about 1,400 km2, including famous destinations such as Hoa Lu Ancient Capital, the Trang An - Tam Coc - Bich Dong landscape, and the Hoa Lu special-use forest. Trang An was also recognised as a World Cultural and Natural Heritage which is the first and only dual world heritage site in Southeast Asia.

Other destinations named on the Daily Mail list include the Coral Triangle, ancient Tibet, the Namib Desert, Dominica’s boiling lake, Hot Rocks in Nevada, and others.

Source: NDO


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