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Vietnam's banh mi voted world's most delicious sandwich: TasteAtlas

Updated: 21:02, 14/03/2024
Readers of international food magazine Taste Atlas have voted Vietnam's popular banh mi as the best sandwich in the world with a rating of 4.6 out of 5, along with Turkey's Tombik doner, a variety of kebab.

Despite being a culinary remnant of French colonialism, the Vietnamese add ingredients such as cilantro, chili, and pickles to create their own banh mi, with unique taste that has achieved global spotlight for a long time.


A banh mi is filled with cold cuts in Ho Chi Minh City.

In the beginning, most banh mi consisted of bread, meat, and seasonings, with no added vegetables but now banh mi are stuffed with cold cuts, French butter, fresh mayonnaise, pate, cucumbers, cilantro, pickles, oyster sauce and garlic.

A banh mi costs from VND15,000 ($0.65) to VND70,000, though a luxury restaurant in HCMC has invented its $100 banh mi to serve the rich.

Considered Vietnam’s most expensive banh mi, it is topped off with French foie gras, truffle, a traditional garnish of sliced cucumbers, cilantro and mint and served with a side of fried sweet potatoes and caviar.

"The meat on the inside can be chicken, pork, beef, seafood, cold cuts, or pâtés, sausages, and terrines, but it is extremely important not to overstuff the sandwich," according to TasteAtlas.

Shawarma, a juicy sandwich-like wrap of the Middle East made of grilled lamb, chicken, beef, turkey, or other varieties of meat, came in third, followed by Mexico’s Tortas.

Vietnamese banh mi makes a mark on world's culinary map
HCM City launched its first ever Vietnam Banh Mi (Vietnamese Sandwich) Festival at District 1’s Youth Cultural House, in order to promote the traditional dish to locals and tourists.
Banh mi listed in top 24 sandwiches worldwide
CNN has revealed its top 24 sandwiches in the world in 2023, with banh mi as Vietnam's representative. The list was released on April 20 to guide travelers on what sandwich to try on their next trip.
Artist’s paintings honor the humble banh mi
Saigon artist Le Sa Long has shown his love for banh mi, a symbol of Vietnam’s street foods, in his latest collection of paintings.
HCMC to host first banh mi festival at the end of March
Vietnam' first banh mi festival will be held at the Youth Cultural House in Ho Chi Minh City’s (HCMC) District 1 from March 30 to April 2.

Source: VnExpress


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