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Culture >> Traditional art
Culture >> Traditional art
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Raising the value of ‘cheo’ art

Updated: 15:12, 14/09/2019
(BGO) - On the evening of September 14, the National ‘Cheo’ (Traditional Opera) Festival 2019 will open at Bac Giang province’s Convention Center with the presence of 16 art troupes throughout the country. Bac Giang is proud to be selected to host the event.

The famous ‘cheo’ stages

Bac Giang now has about 40 ‘cheo’ clubs and dozens of ‘cheo’ singing teams in most districts and Bac Giang city. Among these, many clubs boast their rich traditions, acting as professional art troupes who have a reputation on ‘cheo’ stages in the region thanks to their ability to choreograph ‘cheo’ plays and organize practices and performances.


A traditional ‘cheo’ performance staged by artists, actors and actresses of the Bac Giang ‘Cheo’ Theater.

The ‘cheo’ club of Bac Am village, Tu Mai commune (Yen Dung district) has nearly 30 official members and about 10 young singers who practice regularly on weekends. 

Every year, the club sets a goal of learning 2-3 new tunes. Thanks to its large force with the passion for folk songs, the club has successfully reproduced many famous ‘cheo’ excerpts. In particular, the club composed many new, interesting short plays and excerpts.

In Tan Yen district, the ‘cheo” club of Ha village, Cao Thuong commune attracts about 80 participants, most of whom are elderly. Every month, the club organizes performances and exchanges in the locality or neighboring communes. 

In order to contribute to spreading the ‘cheo’ singing, the club has paid attention to teaching and guiding the basic knowledge of ‘cheo’ for teachers and students in local schools.

The Hoang Mai ‘cheo’ club in Hoang Ninh commune (Viet Yen district) operates regularly and actively with the participation of artisans such as Do Thi Khoa, Than Thi Nen and Nguyen Thi Nhien, contributing to enriching the cultural and spiritual life of the people as well as to preserving and developing the traditional art of the homeland.

In addition, there are many other clubs that attract a large number of viewers in each performance, including the Yen Dung district ‘cheo’ club; the ‘cheo’ club of Tan Ninh village, Tu Mai commune (Yen Dung district); the ‘cheo’ club of Dong Quan village, Dong Son commune (Bac Giang city)...

For ‘cheo’ songs to resound

In July 2019, the ‘Cheo’ Festival of Bac Giang province was held, attracting more than 300 actors, actresses and instrument players from 10 districts and city.


The ‘cheo’ team of Yen Hong village, Yen Lu commune (Yen Dung district) performs at the communal ‘cheo’ and folk songs singing festival in 2019.

Besides creating a "playground" for clubs, over the past years, the provincial culture, sports and tourism sector has directed and implemented many active activities. For example, since 2005, the provincial ‘Cheo’ Theater has implemented a project to restore and improve the artistic quality of local ‘cheo’ clubs, supporting 2-3 clubs each year.

In addition to sending artists to guide the clubs how to sing and perform ancient ‘cheo’ excerpts, the theater has also invested in performing costumes and props, and audio equipment to help the clubs operate better.

Through many years of organizing performances to serve the people, Meritorious Artist Ta Quang Lam, Director of the provincial ‘Cheo’ Theater, said: “The art of ‘cheo’ has recently been maintained and developed strongly, reflected in the increasing number of clubs. Each year, the theater performs about 80 free performances in rural areas, luring a large audience. This confirms that people give a lot of love and passion to the ‘cheo’ art. It is the motivation for artists, actors and grassroots-level singers to conserve and promote the value of the ‘cheo’ art. ”

The National ‘Cheo’ Festival will take place in Bac Giang province from September 14 to 28. With interesting plays performed by professional actors, actresses and instrument players, the festival promises to attract a large number of spectators who love the traditional art, thereby contributing to boosting the development of the ‘cheo’ art in Bac Giang.

The traditional art of ‘cheo’ has been preserved and promoted frequently in the past years. The attention and active investment of the culture, sports and tourism sector and localities in the province have helped the ‘cheo’ songs and drums to resound.

Promoting role of grassroots artists in preserving cheo art
(BGO) - Mentioning Bac Giang, people have long remembered the reputation of the ancient Chieng Bac cheo (Vietnamese traditional opera). Social development is putting this traditional art in danger of being lost. In this context, many grassroots singers have made efforts to find ways to preserve and promote the value of the cheo art.
Cheo singing echoes in rural villages
(BGO) - Cheo (Vietnamese traditional opera) singing is a traditional art activity which has been present in Yen Dung land of Bac Giang province from ancient times. Over the past years, the district has paid due attention to preserving and promoting this type of art, thereby contributing to improving the cultural and spiritual lives for the people.
Teaching Cheo and Quan ho folk singing to the art talents
(BGO) – The Center of Culture and Cinema in the northern province of Bac Giang cooperated with the Center of Culture and Information in Tan Yen district on May 8 kicked off the course to teach Cheo (traditional opera) and Quan ho (Love duet) singing to more than 70 art talents in Phuc Hoa commune (Tan Yen district).
Teaching Cheo and Quan ho folk singing
(BGO) – On  March 19, the Center of Culture and Cinema in Bac Giang province joined hand with the Center of Culture, Information and  Sports in Bac Giang city to organize a training course to teach Cheo and Quan ho folk singing in Phan Son hamlet, Dong Son commune.
Vietnamese striker Cong Phuong joins Incheon United FC
Vietnamese striker Nguyen Cong Phuong was unveiled as an Incheon United FC player at a press conference held in Incheon, the Republic of Korea, on February 14.

Quoc Truong


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