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Bac Giang ensures traffic safety and order in industrial parks

Updated: 20:24, 29/09/2024

BAC GIANG - The northern province of Bac Giang now has 9 industrial parks (IPs) attracting hundreds of thousands of workers. The high vehicle and commuter density during rush hour causes more risk of congestion and accidents. To ensure traffic safety and order, the police force coordinates with local authorities and related units to deploy many solutions.

Viet Yen township has the most IPs in the province (including Dinh Tram, Quang Chau, Van Trung and Viet Korea). There are times, especially when the work is over and workers rush home, the main roads are crowded with people and vehicles. Even in some areas, sellers and buyers are bustling, encroaching on both the road and sidewalks.

Officer of the Traffic Police Division, Provincial Public Security checks worker transporting vehicles on National Highway 17 through Song Khe - Noi Hoang Industrial Park.

Accordingly, the local public security forces handle cars and motorbikes selling goods on National Highway 37 - the main road leading to IPs and expressway’s frontage roads while the police forces of 5 wards along the IPs (including: Nenh, Quang Chau, Tang Tien, Hong Thai, Van Trung) are in charge of cases of street vendors encroaching on sidewalks and roads.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Ngoc, Captain of the Traffic - Order Team of Viet Yen Township Public Security informed that since the beginning of 2024, the authorities have drawn up records of 135 street vendors, market-goers and traders, and fined 125 cases with a total of 49.3 million VND.

Traffic disorder in IPs is also caused by traffic infrastructure. In Yen Dung district, there are 3 IPs of Van Trung, Song Khe-Noi Hoang and Yen Lu.

Therefore, the district Public Security force coordinated with relevant agencies to install additional signs and speed bumps on some branch roads leading to Van Trung IP; proposed to install traffic lights (red and green lights) at the intersection between National Highway 17 and National Highway 37 leading to Van Trung IP in Noi Hoang commune.

The situation of buses stopping to pick up and drop off workers arbitrarily has been resolved thanks to various solutions such as traffic separation, route division and stricter handling of violations. Many buses running on the route have been allowed to go straight into the Ips with stops to pick up workers, helping limit the number of private vehicles.

In coordination with the Provincial IP Management Board, worker pick-up and drop-off points have been arranged right in the yards of some enterprises to limit chaos and crowds on the roads in the IPs. The public security forces of Viet Yen township and Yen Dung district have increased fines for traffic safety violations.

Since the beginning of the year, Viet Yen Township Public Security have issued 7,024 administrative violation records on traffic safety, expected to impose fines of more than 23.3 billion VNA, revoked 1,838 driving licenses and temporarily detained 3,436 vehicles. Yen Dung District authorities have handled 780 workers violating traffic safety.

On August 26, 2024, the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 4830/UBND-NC directing to strengthen traffic safety and order, minimize accidents in the IPs.

Yen Dung district authorities remind fruit sellers to display fruit near the road leading to Van Trung Industrial Park.

Accordingly, the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Transport to preside over and coordinate with units and localities to regularly review, advise and propose the implementation of solutions to "black spots", potential traffic accident spots and unreasonable traffic organization in the IPs.

The Provincial IP Management Board promotes its responsibility in urging investors, IP infrastructure trading companies and enterprises to strictly implement the work of ensuring traffic safety and order.

The Board also develops rules and regulations on traffic participation that are applied to enterprises in the IPs under management while coordinates with competent authorities in propaganda and dissemination of laws to raise awareness of compliance with traffic safety laws for workers and laborers.


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