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Bac Giang city firmly keeps local areas with flexible disease prevention and control

Updated: 17:31, 04/11/2021
(BGO) – Amid the complicated development of Covid-19 pandemic with risk of resurgence, the Steering Committee for Covid-19 prevention and control in Bac Giang city, Bac Giang province (Steering Committee) has tightened management, especially returners from pandemic struck areas.

Protecting schools and businesses

Since October 30, several communes and wards of Tho Xuong, Da Mai, Dong Son and Dinh Ke have detected some Covid-19 patients relating to businesses at Quang Chau industrial park, Bac Ninh province and returners from pandemic hit localities after nearly two months without no new infection.


The competent force in Tho Xuong ward and community Covid-19 team check the health condition of person under home isolation.

The municipal competent agencies have focused on taking samples of workers at companies, especially those employing over 100 labours, operating in close environment as well as commercial center and supermarkets for Covid-19 test. All localities, medical stations, working groups in the city enhance inspection and supervision over disease prevention and control at the firms.

From October 30 till November 2, the health workers took specimens for screening test for nearly 24,000 labours at 98 companies with all negative results.

To ensure the safety at schools, kindergarten facilities, primary and secondary schools re-started routing and zoning off among students so as to reduce the close contact while all gathering activities are excluded. The parents are requested to daily check their children’s temperature and condition.

By exchanging information directly or on zalo groups, the educational establishments timely know the situation if the teachers and students contact to workers at the industrial park or returners from pandemic hit areas to impose suitable quarantine measures.

Currently, the city has eight students with close contact to Covid-19 patients (F1 case), 40 teachers and 423 students with close contact to F1 (F2 case) who are now under centralized and home quarantine as regulation.

Strictly supervising people coming to/returning from pandemic hit areas

There is high risk of disease infection from companies and returners from pandemic hit localities while many people fail to follow disease preventive rules with neglecting spirit.


Onechang Vina Company in Xuong Giang ward organizes Covid-19 test for labours.

Facing the above situation, the Steering Committee ordered the competent agencies in the city, wards and communes to focus on disease preventive measures, particularly enhancing communication to raise awareness of people about following the disease preventive measures; calling all returners from other localities to seriously conduct health declaration; persuading all officials, cadres, public servant and citizens not to visit Bac Ninh province and pandemic hit areas to prevent the infection unless necessary work or public task; appealing Bac Giang citizens working in Bac Ninh to stay at the working place temporarily.

Any returner from Bac Ninh province must show negative PCR test result and take quarantine measure as regulation in case he wants to stay in Bac Giang city.

All events with big gathering must be scaled down. Every diner at restaurants and stores must make health declaration while the restaurants are encouraged to provide take away.

Implementing the instruction, the wards and communes have established disease control stations and reception points for medical declaration; reviewed and made the list of experts, workers, service suppliers, drivers, free labours and people working and studying in the area with regular travel between Bac Giang city and Bac Ninh province to conduct Covid -19 test. Later on, the experts, workers, service suppliers are requested to test every three days.

All labours at companies must ink the commitment to strictly follow the principle “one route two destination” to go to work.

To firmly keep the achievement in disease prevention and control, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Vu Tri Hai, Head of the Steering Committee affirmed that in the upcoming day, the inspection group of the city and competent forces in communes and wards will enhance communication, check and supervise the disease preventive task in the area as well as strictly punish any violation.

Vi Le Thanh
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