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Improving value of Yen The tea plant

Updated: 19:22, 13/04/2024

BAC GIANG- Yen The tea yields high economic efficiency, which is a commodity plant helping local people to eradicate hunger and poverty. In order to promote potentials of this strong crop, the local government has implemented many solutions to boost development.

Yen The district has total 535 hectares of tea mainly in the communes of Xuan Luong and Canh Nau including 215 hectares cultivating under VietGAP standards and 1.5 hectares certified meeting organic standards. The fresh tea bud output in 2023 reached 4,800 tonnes.

Leaders of Canh Nau commune visit the tea cultivation model.

The district is home to 1 cooperative producing and processing safe tea products and 5 cooperative groups. Ban Ven green tea product and Ban Ven (Ven village) eco-cultural tourist site was rated 3-star OCOP product. Thanks to this plant, many households overcome poverty and improve their living.

In order to enhance value of the tea plant, the people’s committee of Yen The district has concentrated on supporting to build production models through the project on sustainable agricultural development in the 2021-2025 period and fund resources from other programmes and projects.

Since 2021, the district has organised a number of training courses on transfer of science and technology and production procedures following organic and VietGAP standards for hundreds of households, supported to assemble watering system on an area of 11.8 hectares and supported to plant 2 more hectares of tea.

The tea processing and packaging area of Than Truong Cooperative.

Particularly, Than Truong Cooperative in Xuan Luong commune was supported in human resource training and building the organic tea cultivation model on 1.5 hectares of land.

“Our Cooperative equipped an automatic watering system and invested a wide and clean tea processing area with modern machines to enhance production efficiency, ensure the product quality, use less labour force and save time and expenses. The Cooperative released the organic tea product to the market in March 2024. To date, more than 500 boxes of tea have been sold (in both traditional and online methods via social networks). We expect to produce and sell out about 20,000 boxes of tea by the end this year”, said Ly Thi Loi, Chair of the Board and Director of Than Truong Cooperative.

In line with innovating tea production activity, the Cooperative has promoted ecological and community-based tourism based on the local advantages. Ban Ven eco-cultural tourist site is an attractive destination for tourists from Bac Giang and other localities.

Besides, Than Truong Cooperative provides a service for students to experience caring, processing and packaging tea.

Other tea producing households in the district also assemble automatic watering systems, upgrade factories and processing zones and innovate sale methods.

In coming time, Yen The district will continue guiding cooperatives, production groups and households to maintain and develop the commodity tea cultivation area focusing on qualified and high value products such as clean tea, VietGAP tea, organic tea and others.

Besides, the district will support application of science and high technology especially seed technology, production procedures following VietGAP, organic standards and bio technology.

In addition, they will effectively implement the one commune one product (OCOP) programme, instruct and encourage organizations and individuals to use the brand “Yen The tea” via trademark authorization while combining resources from the programmes and projects to reinforce infrastructure investment for agricultural production including tea cultivation.

Mac Yen


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